The Heller Approach Acting Classes


Actors, let’s talk for a minute about audition nerves.  We all get them—that’s normal.  But how can we overcome the audition nerves in the room, and therefore show the session runners and, ultimately, ourselves, that we can be confident and are the problem to casting’s solutions? Vince Lombardi once stated...

We’ve all seen athletes on TV: a lot of their footage involves seeing them constantly training, exercising, and practicing: sometimes until odd hours of the night, or hours before the crack of dawn. Sometimes, we see them repeating the same motion, like kicking, over and over again. Apparently, this...

Every day in our lives, we make choices. The choices we make shape the next steps of our day, our week, our year, our lives. Making decisions is important, but sometimes we forget the need to make choices when performing a character, making...

As pilot season approaches quickly, auditions happen in droves. Agents, managers, casting directors, and many other entertainment professionals involved in the casting and submission process are overworked, overwhelmed, yet still get their job done in the highest degree of professionalism possible. Casting directors...

Nicos got a callback for The Little Rascals. It's a Universal Feature Film. He auditioned for two parts, Butch and Woim. They are the bullies in the movie...

Mr. Heller is an absolutely amazing teacher that will not only take your acting skill to another level that you could never imagine, but will also guide and help you in your career and development as a human being. He is a true Sensei of...