Your Character Is Still You: Here’s Why

Getting into character in acting

Your Character Is Still You: Here’s Why

As an actor, you put so much time and effort into getting into character, ensuring you give justice to your role. After all, authenticity separates the great actors from the average ones. But you also know that becoming a good actor is easier said than done. This is why you should go to the best Zoom acting classes, do your research and spend time building and embracing your character. 

However, many actors think that being in character means forgetting who they are and stepping inside someone else’s shoes altogether, which makes embracing their role extra challenging. The truth is that the character you play is still you; you’re just putting yourself in a different circumstance to fit your role. So here are some questions that you can ask yourself to get into your character while still keeping your true self so that you can be a compelling and authentic actor:

Who Am I?

To play a role effectively, you must know yourself well first. This is one of the first things that the best online acting classes teach you because it will be the foundation of how you will get into character when it’s time to play your roles. Self-awareness is essential in ensuring you adapt to your character well without losing your authenticity.

What Do I Want?

One of the most important things that any good actor needs is a reason for taking on a role. This is why you ask yourself exactly what you want out of this character, so you also know what actions to take and how to motivate yourself to take on the role. Fortunately, the best online acting classes will teach you how to identify and use these “wants” to your advantage. You’ll often see a character’s objective once you read the script, and you can incorporate that into your own for the character so that you can play your role well.

What Do I Need to Overcome?

Being a good actor comes with a lot of challenges. That’s why even the most veteran actors still enroll in Zoom acting classes to continue to work on their craft. You must find the line between stepping into that role and maintaining your personality to play your character well. It will take some time to master this, but with the help of experts, you’ll eventually find the right formula to play your character well while keeping your true self.

Becoming a compelling actor doesn’t happen overnight. You will need to learn a lot, and you will go through a lot of challenges. This is what the best online acting classes are for, to teach you how to be effective without losing your personality in the process.

The trick here is to find a formula that works for you and continue to master your craft until feeling like yourself while being a character becomes second nature to you. Contact The Heller Approach Acting Studio for the best online acting classes, and start learning everything you need for your acting career from someone with a successful acting career, Brad Heller!

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