The Heller Approach Acting Classes

Having an Anchor

Having an Anchor

Having an anchor as a #workingactor in a scene is important. There are many varying definitions of what exactly having an anchor means. 

However, there is a lot of overlap in the meaning when it comes to having an objective, getting information, and learning.

Having an objective in a scene increases the ability of an anchor in a scene. 

It allows a character something to strive for while maintaining that idea of humanity and emotional connection. (Note: This has been previously discussed and will be continuously discussed in the future). 

Therefore, this allows a performer somewhere to go, like a boat sailing away from a dock but having an idea of where to return once the journey is over – sort of like a scene.

The objective allows a character to strive for something that ultimately has a resolution. This works whether what the character wants actually has a resolution or not. In this case, here the character (the boat) has ended the scene (returned to the dock) and grounded the anchor.

This analogy may not be the most appropriate analogy for all minds – but think of this: The objective is what keeps the scene going.  All characters in a scene have an objective. 

The objectives, however, can be the same or be different.  That of course depends on the actor’s choices and the character’s intentions.

What an actor can do when finding an anchor for a scene to guide their character is to get information. Thus, they can also learn and share that knowledge in the context of the scene. 

Thus, this can be directly spoken or acted upon on camera or it can be knowledge that is indirectly used during the scene.

Whether the intention is direct or indirect, the biggest thing to consider is whether the choice is easy or hard. 

Therefore, making a choice hard or not relevant the scene to give the scene a challenge will yield lesser results than an objective that has an easy, playable choice that can be acted upon to enhance the scene and the character’s intentions.

One on one #actingcoach Brad Heller’s thoughts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M89zReKNQuQ