The Heller Approach Acting Classes



In the industry today, times are changing. The power is shifting, and people will lower status are becoming the ones in power. Whatever the case is, world views are ever-evolving, and the film industry specifically is drastically changing all at once—but there’s something that remains constant when it comes to having control: the power you have in a scene and in an audition—that is in your control.

Power is a great tool when used appropriately, as in the way of the Godfather principle. In this case, you, as a guest, in a room, or in a scene, feel as comfortable, if not more comfortable, in a stranger’s home or space—but of course, you do this without making someone else uncomfortable and keep the higher status of power equal, for the most part, between the two of you.

As you enter a room, take control—be confident. Allow the atmosphere to keep you confident and in control without being too confident. Know who the players are in the room, and find a way to make your power in the scene during your audition or performance graceful—make your power comfortable.

Create your own power through the Godfather principle and find what makes your power unique, or the power of the character special. Encompass the beauty of the room, and stand strong. Find the power, accept the power, and balance the power—shift the power to your audition in the room, shift your control.

Whether you are starting auditions for the first time, increasing your booking rate, or looking for that coveted series regular role, using your confidence as power and control in a room can help you improve your auditions through the Godfather principle. Make everyone feel comfortable and create a warm atmosphere in the room.

More of Brad’s thoughts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w6wgRpzkUU